I kept reading about how healthy Swiss Chard was, but to be honest, chard is one of those vegetables that I walk past in the grocery store thinking "what do I do with THAT?" I bought seeds this year but didn't plant them until later in the season because of that same mentality. Finally, I planted them in some pots and they grew! Then every time I walked past the pots I would think, "guess I should do something with that ..." but never got around to it, until tonight.
I've already talked about this great book called
The World's Healthiest Foods. It is fantastic - for each food, the author discusses the healthiest way to prepare it. For Swiss Chard, 3 minutes of boiling is recommended to reduce the bitterness while preserving the vitamins. After boiling, combine with a simple Mediterranean dressing and it is really amazing! Tim loved it and even the kids ate every bite.
Three-Minute Mediterranean Swiss Chard
1 lb Swiss Chard
3 T extra virgin olive oil
1 t lemon juice
1 medium clove garlic, crushed
Sea salt and pepper to taste
- To prepare the Swiss Chard: Stack the leaves on top of each other. Slice leaves into 1-inch slices and slice white stems into 1/2-inch slices. Yellow and red stems are tougher and should be discarded.
- Prepare Mediterranean dressing: combine olive oil, lemon juice, crushed garlic, salt, and pepper. (The author notes that garlic should be crushed 5-10 minutes before using to get the most health benefits from the garlic. Read the book to find out why!)
- Bring water to a rapid boil. Boil the Swiss Chard for 3 minutes, then drain.
- Toss the dressing with the chard and serve hot.
We were pleasantly surprised by how great this simple yet healthy recipe is. Can't wait to plant a lot more of it next year!